All United States Federal Bluefin Tuna regulations apply to this tournament. Tag and Release is the preferred method except for tunas that are in contention for winning this tournament.
Captains are responsible for tunas that are killed and will be held accountable if questioned by the Tournament committee, USCG, DEP or NMFS. The Nantucket Bluefin Blast Tournament will not be responsible for, or held liable for, any illegally taken fish.
1. Weather:
This is a Captains choice tournament. Advisories of the weather conditions will be broadcast and are for the protection of the anglers. Decisions to fish or not to fish will be at the discretion of the captain. FISH AT YOUR OWN RISK.
2. Minimum Length per federal bluefin regulations:
3. Species eligible: Bluefin tuna, Saturday and Sunday.
3A. Sharks, Saturday, Trolling only.
There will be a stand alone category and award for the most sharks trolled and released during Saturday only. A photo of the shark being released must also be taken with time stamp. Shark category will not be added to the tuna category, these will be two seperate awards.
Permits- (directly taken from HMS fishery compliance guide)
Vessels must have a valid HMS Angling or HMS Charterboat/Headboat permit to fish for Atlantic sharks. The permit covers everyone fishing on that vessel. Tournament vessels may instead fish for sharks with an Atlantic Tunas General category or Swordfish General Commercial permit. All HMS permit holders must have a shark endorsement on their permit before they can fish recreationally for sharks.
4. Tackle:
The use of Greensticks, long-lines, or any other means besides rod and reel are not permitted. This is to make the playing field fair to all boats.
5. Boundaries:
NW CORNER 41 o – 50’N, 69 o 55’W
SW CORNER 41 o-05’N, 69 o 55’W
NE CORNER 41 o– 50’N, 68 o 43’W
SE CORNER 41 o– 05’N, 68 o 43’W
6: U.S. Coast Guard Requirements
7. This is a rod and reel tournament
- No airplanes or other fishing gear will be permitted for this tournament.
- Non-electrified harpoons, flying gaffs and straight gaffs are permitted.
8. This is a boat trolling tournament
- The use of planners and down-riggers are permitted.
- There will be no chucking, live baiting, kites, greensticks or any other means of catching a tuna besides pulling of lures, rigs, or trolling of dead baits.
- There will be no use of sash weights, lead or weights of any material attached in a manner that they can break off, I.E. rubber band, in doing this there is a fair playing field for everyone.
- There will be no bump trolling of any kind, the boat must be in gear and a forward motion at the time of the hook up.
9. Fishing Hours:
Boats may leave the docks before sunrise. Lines in will be 6 AM and lines out are 3:00 PM on both days. In the case of a hook up prior to the lines out time of 3:00 PM, the boat that is hooked up must radio to the committee boat. They must convey that they are hooked up and will be fighting the fish past the lines out time of 3:00 PM. If and when the fish is landed please again radio or relay to the committee boat weather you have landed or not landed the fish so that proper measures can be made for the weigh master to be at the weigh in station and to inform Committee officials that you and your crew are safe. If you have declared that you are fighting a fish past the 3:00 PM lines out, you will be eligible to weigh that fish in after the scale closing of 7:30 PM on Saturday day of fishing, Sunday scale will close at 7:30 PM so as to calculate the winners.
10. The weigh in station:
11. There will be no terminator or terminator line.
12. All tunas over tournament minimum lengths
13. There will be no transfer of fish from one boat to another.
14. Scoring system
- This a release tournament, the most released Bluefin Tuna’s wins the tournament. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined on time, who caught the last fish first.
- Boats must take a picture at the beginning of each day on one device, camera or phone, and a picture of each fish that is caught for that day. Fish #1 would be a picture with the fish and one finger, fish #2 would be a picture with the fish and two fingers, ETC…. all photos will be reviewed to determine first place thru fifth place in the tournament.
- 1 point per pound of eligible tuna weighed in. Each boat will be allowed to weigh-in one tuna per day. The daily winner will be determined by the weight of the tuna weighed in by a boat. The heaviest eligible tuna caught for that day will determine the winner of that day. The heaviest fish of both days will determine the winner of the 27-73” Heaviest Fish Callcutta and 73” and Above Heaviest Fish Callcutta.
- If you decide to kill a tuna for personal consumption or to weigh in for the Calcutta’s please make sure that you have read the up to date regulations from NMFS for your permit. The trophies fish for recreational permit is closed for 2016, you will be disqualified if you have this permit and kill a fish over the length of 73″ inches.
15. FINAL decision:
16 Disqualification:
17. Protests.
18. The rules that govern this tournament are the rules.
19. IGFA record rules.
20. The Final set of Rules:
21. Official VHF channel
22. NMFS rules and regulations: